Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) is the process to manufacture truly single-layer graphene (SLG). We manufacture SLG using a rapid thermal CVD process (RT-CVD) in a clean room environment. Graphene synthesis and lamination, transfer and stacking are performed in Class 1000 (ISO 6) laboratories, whilst wet chemical etching and all graphene characterisation takes place in Class 10000 (ISO 7) laboratories. Our standard products include SLG on copper foil (CVD-101) up to 200 x 200 mm in size, SLG transferred on to SiO2/Si wafers (CVD-201), or SLG transferred on to PET substrates (CVD-301). We also offer services to produce multiple stacked layers of graphene and transfer graphene on to other substrates of the customer’s choice.
Potential applications of CVD graphene include sensors, membranes, transparent conductive electrodes, resistive heaters and use in high-frequency electronic, (opto)electronic and semi-conductor applications.
We manufacture high quality few-layer graphene (FLG) and graphene nanoplatelet (GNP) powders with high carbon purity and low defect ratio, establishing Nanene™ as an outstanding commercially available product that enables true leverage of graphene’s unique properties.
Nanene™ applications include use as an additive for thermoset, thermoplastic and rubber based composite materials, electrodes in lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells, solar PV cells, electrically conductive inks, thermal interface materials, concrete, metal-matrix composites, paints and coatings (corrosion protection, anti-fouling, UV resistant, barrier films, etc.).
Hexotene™ is our family of high quality hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) nanosheet powders. We offer two grades: Hexotene-001 and Hexotene-002, derived from different bulk hBN raw materials, with other functionalised forms in development.
Hexotene™ is particularly useful for products where electrical conductivity is not desired, but many other features such as thermal conductivity and mechanical strength can be harnessed. The ability to allow for incorporation of other colours into consumer products, for example, is also a key advantage over graphene.
In addition to our high quality, low defect graphene powders, we also supply graphene oxides GO-001 and GO-002 (in development) with different flake sizes (small and large, respectively). With a higher level of oxygen content ratio, these products are suitable for different applications where high aspect ratio and processability are key.
We can also provide Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO) using a range of chemical and thermal treatments. Please get in touch to find out more.
Versarien subsidiary Gnanomat S.L. (Madrid, Spain), develops novel hybrid nanomaterials combining graphene and other nanocarbons with metal (oxide) nanoparticles. These form a very large family of materials whereby graphene, for example, provides a high surface area substrate that makes metal (oxide) nanoparticles accessible to the environment, allowing them to better perform their functions. Graphene adds electrical conductivity to oxides, which are usually poor conductors; electron injection from graphene into oxides increases the concentration of holes in graphene and may increase the conductivity of the entire hybrid material. Synergistic benefits are observed in a number of applications such as battery and supercapacitor electrodes, as well as in electrocatalysis.
Graphinks™ are graphene and related material (GRM) inks and dispersions that bring multi-functionality (high electrical and thermal conductivity, fire retardation, UV protection, etc.), produced via a high pressure homogenisation process that offers high yield and uniform size distribution. We have ‘standard’ Graphinks™ for different deposition methods from inkjet to screen printing and developmental formulations (DF) with different nanomaterials and solvent combinations.
Need something different?
We are happy to help develop the ink for your printing/coating needs.
Versarien Graphene Limited
Units 1A-D Longhope Business Park, Monmouth Road, Longhope, Gloucestershire, GL17 0QZ, United Kingdom